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Bibliografia di riferimento e consigliata
Baladi, J-F. "A guidance document for costing process". CCOHTA. Ottawa, 1996.
Brugha, R; Varvasovszky, Z. "Stakeholder analysis: A review. Health Policy and Planning". INAHTA. 2000, 15, 239-246.
Busse, R; Orvain, J; Velasco, M; Perleth, M; Drummond, M; Gürtner, F; Jørgensen, T; Jovell, A; Malone, J; Rüther, A; Wild, C. "Best Practice in Undertaking and Reporting Health Technology Assessment". Working Group 4 Report in International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 2002, 18 (2), 361-422.
Ciani, O; Tarricone, R; Torbica, A. "Diffusion and use of health technology assessment in policy making: What lessons for decentralised healthcare systems?". Health Policy. Milano, 2012, 108 (2-3), 194-202.
Goodman, C. "Hta 101, introduction to health technology assessment". The Lewin Group, 2004.
Guidelines for the economic evaluation of health technology: Canada, 4th edition. Ottawa: Canadian agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, 2006;
Guidelines for the Budget Impact Analysis of Health Technologies in Ireland. Issued: November 2010
Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies in Ireland. Issued: November 2010
Guides to the methods of Technology Appraisal. National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Aprile 2004.
Health Information and Quality Authority. "Guidelines for Evaluating the Clinical Effectiveness of Health Technologies in Ireland". Dublin: Health Information and Quality Authority; 2011
Institute of Health Economics, Osteba, AUnETS. "Health Technology Assessment on the Net International: 2013". Edmonton AB: Institute of Health Economics, 2013.
Jefferson, T; Cerbo, M. "Health Technology Assessment". Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore. Roma, 2012.
Julian, PT; Higgins and Sally Green. "Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions". John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2008.
Kristensen FB & Sigmund H (ed.). "Health Technology Assessment Handbook". Copenhagen: Danish Centre for Health Technology Assessment, National Board of Health, 2007.
Liberati, A; Sheldon, TA; Banta, HD. "Eur-Assess Project Subgroup Report on Methodology. Methodological guidance for the Conduct of Health Technology Assessment". International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 1997, 13 (2), 186-219.
Murphy, E; Dingwall, R; Greatbatch, D; Parker, S; Watson, P. "Qualitative research methods in Health Technology Assessment: a review of the literature". NHS R&D HTA Programme. 1998, 2 (16).
Popay, J. (editor). "Moving beyond effectiveness in evidence synthesis: methodological issues in the synthesis of diverse sources of evidence". National Institute for Clinical and Health Excellence, Londra, 2004.
Sorenson, C; Drummond, M; Kanavos, P. "Ensuring value for money in health care. Observatory studies series n.11". The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies - WHO. 2008
The Danish Centre for Evaluation and Health Technology Assessment. "Introduction to mini-HTA - a management and decision support tool for the hospital servicespital service". National Board of Health, Dicembre 2005
Per le donne della Rete regionale HTA
Sandberg, S; "Facciamoci avanti. Le donne, il lavoro e la voglia di riuscire". Mondadori, Marzo 2013.